Shannon Rose sent out the following:
World Champion Sheik calls out legendary Punk Rock Band
(Santa Barbara, CA) – International Wrestling Superstar The Almighty Sheik, is a former World Champion is appalled with a song by the punk rock group “The Meatmen” which boasts anti-Muslim lyrics. August 18, 2012 The Meatmen will play at Tesco Fest in Detroit, MI. The Almighty Sheik vows to be there to defend the Muslim people if they play the song live.
He released a video statement regarding this song:
The Meatmen are known for having the nastiest, most offensive senses of humor in all of hardcore — and that’s saying something. They’ve always cracked graphic jokes about various bodily functions while baiting women, minorities, homosexuals, rival punk bands, and handicapped children in their music. They’ve been gleefully doing so since the early 1980s. In the early 90s the band broke up, but some of the members went on to form a band called “True Grit”. The band continues in the legacy of “The Meatmen” continuing their tasteless antics.
Their CD released in 1995 “Pope on a Rope” landed them as a supporting band to legends like Gwar and Butt Trumpet.
However, International Wrestling Superstar The Almighty Sheik is not amused by the lyrics of their song in which they are completely anti-Muslim. He called the song “the most vial, trash, stupid and disrespectful song he’s ever heard”.
The Almighty Sheik is one of the most feared Wrestling Superstars in Professional Wrestling today. Currently The Sheik holds the Unified World Heavyweight Champion, and is the former NWA World Champion, AWA World Champion, Zero1 World Champion. He’s defended his title worldwide in Japan, USA, Syria, Canada, Australia, Europe, Puerto Rico, and Mexico.
The Almighty Sheik is also ranked in the top 100 Wrestlers in the World.
The Almighty Sheik vows to be at the Tesco Fest in Detroit, MI, August 18, 2012 to listen to The Meatmen as they perform on stage. He promises that if they perform their song on stage, it will be as if they called for a holy war because The Sheik will make good on his promise to destroy The Meatmen and defend the Muslim people everywhere.
The Almighty Sheik is available for interviews. Please contact Shannon Rose, Eclectic Media Productions (347)92-STARS or (347) 927-8277, Email: The Almighty Sheik is represented by Eclectic Media Productions National PR Firm. Website: