In an update on Ric Flair potentially appearing at the WWE Hall of Fame, WWE and TNA Wrestling are still negotiating on Flair’s appearance and no deal has been made between the two sides as of writing, even though Flair has stated that he will be appearing at the 2012 WWE Hall of Fame. TNA Wrestling are willing to allow Flair to appear and aren’t looking for much in return for him doing so, which is a good thing.

In a weird fact on the situation, the NWA attempted to induct Flair into their Hall of Fame in 2008 and Vince McMahon ruled out that deal, noting that he didn’t want any of his guys acknowledging a Hall of Fame outside of the WWE version, which is the same boat he now finds himself in as Flair is contracted to TNA Wrestling.

Meanwhile, according to a report from Mike Johnson of, current plans for the 2012 WWE Hall of Fame have Edge being inducted by Christian, The Four Horsemen (Tully Blanchard, Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and JJ Dillon) being inducted by “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, Mike Tyson will be inducted by Triple H and Shawn Michaels, Yokozuna will be inducted by Rikishi and his sons Jey and Jimmy Uso, Mil Mascaras will be inducted by Alberto del Rio and Ron Simmons will be inducted by John Bradshaw Layfield. The report also notes that Jerry “The King” Lawler will again be the host of the ceremonies.