In an interview on Chris Jericho’s “Talk Is Jericho” podcast, WWE superstar Tyson Kidd commented on his neck injury and the recovery process, as well as former WWE stars who have reached out to him.
“Yeah, and I think I’m the only guy in WWE to have the fusion this high up. It’s the C1 and 2. It’s as high as it gets. Steve Austin said, ‘Kid, why’d [the surgeons] go through the back of your neck like that? Everything’s through the front.’ I said, ‘Steve, it’s so high up, it’s the equivalent of my mouth.’ And then, he’s like, ‘Oh, they can’t go through the front then.’ I joined the weird broken neck club and there’s one advantage, is like, Steve Austin and Kurt Angle reach out to you all the time. And Edge, but Edge [has] always been awesome with me since I was in FCW. So [Austin] texted me, like, ‘Hey, how’s everything? How’s that stack of dimes?'”
The interview is available in full at this link.