In an interview with USA Today to promote the upcoming WrestleMania 33 pay-per-view, Triple H commented on the amount of WWE NXT talents who have ascended to the WrestleMania stage, the developmental process when it comes to WWE NXT and more.

On seeing WWE NXT talents ascend to the WrestleMania stage: “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have that pride factor, it’s a huge moment to see those guys shine. I know what it feels like, I was there, I went through all of it. To me, it’s awesome to help them live their dreams. I get as much excitement of seeing these kids succeed as I do by far from any of the stuff I’ve done in my career. I’m not the one out there in front of the 100,000 people, but it’s like being a proud papa. It’s the difference between doing it yourself and watching your kids doing it. There is a difference in the kind of pride, but it’s still there.”

On WWE NXT and the developmental process: “Our focus is on making a great TV show and everything follows from there. We’ve got great in-ring performers and great guys on the microphone, but it’s about the way we put it out there and the way we produce it. The gap between people coming from everyplace else that isn’t WWE is so massive that we have to teach them how we do it our way, but we’re doing it. It’s changed the product, you can look at the product over the last 2-3 years and the product is different, the WWE is a different environment, it has changed the landscape. Now, there is a proven model of how to do it and how to make it work.”

The interview is available in full at this link.