Paul “Triple H” Levesque held a conference call today in advance of this Sunday’s WWE NXT Takeover: In Your House pay-per-view. WWE’s Adam Hopkins opened the call, introducing Triple H who started by sending his condolences to the family of George Floyd and to all of the families that have been victims of senseless violence. HHH said that there are a lot of international reporters on the line and that he is excited to be back with a show, due to COVID-19 and the quarantine that people have been through and that he is also happy to be bringing back the In Your House name for this card, which he then ran down, before turning things over to the Q&A session, where it was noted that it would be one question per person due to the amount of people on the call.
The first caller asked that with Florida entering Phase 2, will that lead to WWE NXT running outside of the WWE Performance Center. HHH said that they are looking at all options all the time and that they have worked closely with the government in Florida to do what they need to do and are looking at all options, noting that they need to understand completely to what can and what can’t be done and will respond accordingly. HHH said that what they do is for their fans and that they want to deliver for them, noting that the faster that they can get in front of fans in a safe manner, the better.
The next caller asked about Triple H’s 25 years as part of the WWE and whether he has a defining moment. HHH said that there were a lot in 25 years that he enjoyed, noting that things that happened out of the ring, even more so, but for him now, it comes down to watching the future talent grow, knowing that he is giving them the platform to do so and said that on Sunday, you will see people rise and grow and that those moments are almost bigger to him now than his own moments in the ring, as it is like watching your own kids grow and succeed.
The next caller asked about Drake Maverick being re-signed during last night’s WWE NXT, Maverick’s journey and continuing to work after being released by the company. HHH said that they already had the tournament booked out when the releases took place, which he noted are horrible, but said that a lot of companies have to make that choice right now and difficult decisions were made. HHH said that the WWE gave Maverick an option to work in the tournament and noted that Maverick is one of the most passionate guys around, loves the WWE and wants to be part of things. HHH said that throughout the tournament, Maverick captured people’s hearts and imaginations and that it was out there about his release and video, so they could have ignored it, or they could have turned it into something and they did the latter, so he is happy for him to be back with the company.
The next caller asked about Fabian Aichner’s development and how he has progressed on the roster. HHH said that they want to bring in great performers all the time and that it does not matter where they come from. HHH said that he is thrilled for someone like Fabian Aichner, much like he is thrilled for his tag team partner Marcel Barthel and noted that they look all over the globe when they recruit and that they have talent from everywhere. The next caller asked about the cinematic qualities of the Backlot Brawl between The Velveteen Dream and Adam Cole. HHH said that without giving anything away, it has been taped for the show, but that they ran into some issues in regards to the weather. HHH said that while that match is taped, the rest of this Sunday’s event will be live. The next caller asked about the progression of women on the roster over the years. HHH said that he is blown away by how great they are and that most of the time, they are the ones who are stealing the show. HHH then put over the roster, noting that they have worked so hard and deserve everything that they have gotten and are getting.
The next caller asked about cinematic matches, most notably the Boneyard Match and how much credit Jeremy Borash and Matt Hardy deserve for cinematic-style matches. HHH said that they have done cinematic stuff for years, such as The Rock vs. Mick Foley, Booker T and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the supermarket to name a few, but said that they did take it to the next level when it came to the Boneyard Match. HHH put over Jeremy Borash, noting that he loves working with him, but said that it was a team effort and a lot of people made that happen, including the editing team, noting that everyone deserves the credit and that’s not a knock on Jeremy Borash, as he’s phenomenal. HHH said that two other people that he was thrilled for after the match was out there were AJ Styles and most notably, The Undertaker. The next caller asked about Breezango being the mystery tag team on this week’s WWE NXT and becoming the #1 Contender’s for the WWE NXT Tag Team Championships. HHH said that you don’t want to be obvious and want to have surprises when you tell stories for television, noting that you book things and hope that it does not get out, which is a plus for them now as it does not happen as much, stating that it is nice for the fan at home watching to not be spoiled.
The next caller asked about Charlotte Flair’s decision to challenge for the WWE NXT Women’s Championship at WrestleMania 36, her winning the title and returning to the brand. HHH said that he knows that sometimes Charlotte gets bashed due to her lineage, but to him, it says a lot about her that she would want to work across all three brands and help build up the other talent. HHH said that he wished that Rhea and Charlotte could have had their moment in the stadium, since it would have been such a making monent and said that Rhea’s loss may actually be a plus in the long-term of taking her to where she needs to go. HHH said that Charlotte is seen as special and different and that having her step in there with Io and Rhea will create a special moment. HHH said that Charlotte feeds off of people saying that she has had things handed to her over the years, but said that Rhea and Io will step up for this match as well, noting that all 3 women will go out there wanting to steal the show.
The next caller asked if the company will be opening any further WWE Performance Centers globally. HHH said that global expansion is always the goal, but that with the pandemic, it has put a lot of things on hold. HHH said that they will figure out where they will go when they come out of it, but that global expansion is still the goal and that they have a lot of people who are chomping at the bit to get back to work and when all of this is behind them, those chomping will be happy. The next caller asked if talents are getting tested for Coronavirus and if not, then why. HHH said that their medical team works closely with the government to define what is the best testing to do and that is what they do. HHH said that some tests are not always accurate, but that the protocols that they have used are effective and work. The next caller asked about the Fight Pit and how well it was received. HHH said that the idea for the match came about organically and that they had two talents who were the perfect fit for the concept, noting that they based it off of things from the past and that it captivated people, plus the match delivered, which is the key point to all of it. HHH said that he thinks that the Fight Pit will become a signature match of NXT that can be used as something of a go to for a Grudge Match, noting that he loved it and looks forward to doing more with it when the time is right. The final caller asked about HHH’s decision to bring back the In Your House theme and whether it will become a regular thing, similar to WarGames. HHH said that it came about due to the fact that people were in their houses as a result of the pandemic and that it seemed that it was perfect timing. HHH said that they decided to do it, not realizing at the time that it was that close to the anniversary of the very first In Your House event, but said that on Sunday, we will see if the enjoyment level will make those watching demand for it to come back.
HHH then closed the call, stating that he appreciates everyone for being on the call.