The following results are from a recent TNA Genesis TV Special. The event took place on January 16th, 2014 at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama and aired at 9pm Eastern on Spike TV.
Opening Segment
Mike Tenay and Taz opened the show by announcing that tonight’s episode is dedicated to the memory of legendary women’s wrestler Mae Young. Taz discusses how lucky he was to get to know Mae during his career. A video package then aired on screen showing the events of Magnus defeating AJ Styles to become the Undisputed TNA World Heavyweight Champion. The camera then cut to the ring where Rockstar Spud asked for some decorum. Spud said that the fans should be thankful as nothing momentous ever happens in Huntsville and goes on to introduce Dixie Carter to the ring. Dixie came out said we’ve all seen what happens when you cross the boss. She said that first it was Jeff Hardy, then AJ Styles and asks who will be next. Dixie said that she warned AJ Styles not to mess with her because it’s her company and she asked him several times to play the game, however AJ had to rear his head everytime and disrespect her and where did that get him, back to the beginning of his career? Dixie said that AJ’s story is over and now the company starts a new chapter. Dixie said that she wants to introduce the man who represents a new chapter in the company, a man that she wants representing her company, the TNA Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion, Magnus. Magnus comes to the ring with both belt and said that they left of business in the past and it’s the beginning of the reign of Magnus era. Magnus presents Dixie with one of the belts because she deserves it so much. Dixie said that while she is proud to have it, Magnus is the real World Champion to her and all the people and before she continues, she wants to bring out the people who showed loyalty to the company last week. Dixie said that tonight is TNA Genesis, the genesis of a new TNA and this is also the genesis of Dixie Carter’s TNA and for that to happen, everyone needs to stand tall as a company and the first man who will do that is her nephew, Ethan Carter III.
EC3 makes his way to the ring, however before he gets the opportunity to talk, Sting’s music hits and he appears via the crowd pointing his bat at the ring. Sting asks if the payoff was worth it, because there’s a locker room full of people who couldn’t be bought for all the money in the world and he had no idea that Dixie could stoop low enough to putting hits out on people like a mob boss. Sting said that it’s dumb enough to mess with wrestlers, but when you mess with their families like she did with Kurt Angle, then it becomes too much. Sting said that she has a paper Champion standing next to her and a guy who has never earned anything in the business and that he helped bring him into Main Event Mafia because they thought that he was the future of the business, however they had no idea that he would sell out and stab them in the back like he did. Sting said that TNA is a house divided and a house divided can’t stand, so before the house comes crashing down, we’re going to fight. Dixie asked who we were as all she could see was Sting standing there, however Sting asked her to take a look around the building, because everyone is going to fight. Samoa Joe, Gunner, James Storm, Eric Young, Joseph Park & ODB came down the entrance ramp and started brawling with “Team Dixie”. Sting and EC3 remain in the ring as Sting backs Carter to the corner and jabs him in the ribs with the bat. Samoa Joe got on the mic and said that they came to Huntsville for a fight and they’re not leaving until that happens. Spud agrees that the match will go ahead and said that the match is next.
12 Person Tag Team Match
Samoa Joe, Gunner, James Storm, Joseph Park, Eric Young & ODB defeated Zema Ion, Lei’D Tapa, The BroMans (Robbie E & Jessie Godderz) & Bad Influence (Christopher Daniels & Kazarian).
Backstage Segment
Velvet Sky and Austin Aries are backstage with Velvet stating that she knows what Aries is saying and that he makes some good points, however she doesn’t know what she’s going to do. Aries tells her to just think about it, thanks her and walks off as Chris Sabin shows up. Sabin asks what that was about, however Velvet said that she doesn’t want to talk about it now infront of the people backstage. Sabin said that’s okay, because they will talk about it in the ring. The camera then cuts to Kurt Angle in the back looking for Dixie Carter.
In Ring Segment
Chris Sabin and Velvet Sky come to the ring. Sabin said that Velvet is being very selfish because he’s the TNA X-Division Champion, not just for himself, but for both of them and now Velvet wants to have secret meetings, so he wants to know what’s up with her. Before Velvet can speak, Austin Aries interrupts and said Sabin is awful proud to be the TNA X-Division Champion with it hanging over his shoulder, however he has another title for him, worst boyfriend who ever lived. Aries said that Sabin doesn’t have to worry about him stealing his girlfriend and although he is a vegan, he could make an exception for some pigeon pie. Sabin said that he’s not going to steal her, because she’s his girlfriend and proves it by doing exactly what he tells her to do. Aries said that Sabin uses Velvet as a pawn and then told Velvet that she’s not a pawn and that she needs to be exactly what the people know she is, an extremely hot piece of. Sabin interrupts and tells Aries to watch his mouth, however Aries said that they can settle this once and for all if Sabin puts the TNA X-Division Championship on the line against him next week and takes Velvet out of the equation as he believes that Sabin can’t beat him without her help and said that they can make sure of that by putting Velvet in a cage at ringside. Sabin said that there’s no way Velvet will be in a cage, however Velvet grabbed the mic out of Sabin’s hand and said that she’ll do it. Velvet said that she wants a man who supports her and doesn’t blame her and that this match will give Sabin the chance to prove what kind of relationship they have and said that if Sabin doesn’t come home with the TNA X-Division Championship, then she might just need to find someone else to spend her time with.
Backstage Segment
Pat Kenney and Samuel Shaw are in the back with Kenney telling Shaw that he liked his match a couple of weeks back, liked his intensity, but noted that Shaw needs to ease up on staring at Christy Hemme. Shaw agrees, but then attacks Kenney from behind and beats him down. The camera then cut to Ethan Carter III looking at himself in the mirror and reminding himself that he’s a Carter and that he can beat Sting. Magnus interrupts and said that he sees a rookie who doubts himself, but he knows Carter can do it.
No Disqualification Match
Bully Ray defeated Mr. Anderson.
Backstage Segment
Kurt Angle walked into catering and went after Al Snow, shoving him into the wall. Angle asked him what happened last week and who told him to do it, however Snow wouldn’t talk. Angle hit Snow in the face and stormed off, before heading to the ring.
In Ring Segment
Kurt Angle came out to the ring and said that Dixie Carter is the reason he came to the company 7 years ago, but wants to talk about what happened last week as she messed with him and went too far by involving his family, so he wants her to come to the ring and give him some answers, because he’s not going anywhere until she does. Dixie came out and said that Kurt has to realise that things are changing and that it’s not 7 years ago. Kurt said that he knows that because the Dixie Carter that he knows is a good woman, however that Dixie isn’t here anymore. Dixie said that she done what happened last week to protect him because Kurt would have made a decision that he regretted and that she wanted to protect him from himself. Angle said that Dixie is twisted, warped and out of her mind and that if she wanted to screw AJ Styles that badly and take out half the locker room while pretending that there’s something wrong with his family, what does that say about her. Dixie said that he needs her looking out for him, because if he got involved and got hurt, he wouldn’t be able to make money. Dixie said that she doesn’t want Kurt to be like Styles, Hardy and the others who don’t stand by her and did what was best for him because she always looks out for people on her team. Angle said that he’s not on Team Dixie and after he beats Bobby Roode in the cage match tonight, he’ll be supporting Sting in the main event against Ethan Carter III. Dixie said that won’t be happening and that the cage match is pushed back to next week and if Kurt Angle or anyone else decides to get in the ring during the main event, then there will be consequences that could cost someone their job. Angle said that if Dixie wants to fire him right now, she can do so, because he’s going to do what is right. Dixie said that she needs to protect Kurt from Kurt and has security eject him from the ring, however Bobby Roode came to the ring and attacked Angle. Dixie asked security to take Angle from the ring.
Backstage Segment
Jeremy Borash interviewed Madison Rayne in the back who said that she’s been waiting for the opportunity for over a year, however before she could talk any further, Lei’D Tapa interrupted. Tapa held Rayne back as Gail Kim attacked her and said that she will see her in the ring. The camera then cut to Earl Hebner and Dixie Carter backstage. Hebner walked off, however Dixie informed him that he won’t be the referee for the main event. Earl asked who that would be, but Dixie told him not to worry about it and take the night off instead.
TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Madison Rayne defeated Gail Kim (w/Lei’D Tapa) to become the new TNA Knockouts Champion.
Backstage Segment
Dixie Carter is backstage with Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards and said that she’s excited to have them join the company because she knows what kind of a following the have and she’s looking forward to their tryout match next week. Davey said that he thinks they’re past the tryout phase, while Eddie said that they signed their TNA contracts this morning, so he doesn’t know where the tryout match idea is coming from. Dixie asked them what they meant as Davey handed over an envelope and said that what is inside should explain everything. Dixie opened the envelope which provided details of a new investor in the company and got on the phone to find out further details.
Singles Match
Special Guest Referee: Rockstar Spud
Ethan Carter III defeated Sting. Post-match, Sting got on the mic and told Magnus that he wanted to fight and would do anything. Sting said that he picked Magnus to be in the Main Event Mafia, however Magnus paid him back by spitting in his face, screwing over AJ Styles, screwing over the fans and said that he needs to be cut out and wants Magnus to give him one last chance at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Magnus said that it’s always about one more chance with Sting, however one chance is one too many as Sting lost that right at TNA Slammiversary and said that he owes Sting nothing. Sting asked if Magnus wants to be King of the Jungle or a little boy. Magnus said that he knows what Sting is trying to do and won’t play his game and knows that Dixie is considering extending his TNA contract again, so he has an idea to up the ante and said that if Sting wins, he will be the new TNA Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion, however if he wins, then he will tear Sting’s contract to shreds and that Sting’s time in TNA Wrestling will come to an end. Sting accepts the offer as the show ends.