Tag Archives: Kizarny
Jake “The Snake” Roberts Medical Update

WWE Hall of Famer Jake “The Snake” Roberts was released from the hospital yesterday after his battle with double pneumonia and will be staying at the home of former WWE superstar Sinn Bodhi/Kizarny until he is recovered and allowed to fly home to Georgia. Roberts made an appearance at the Future Stars Of Wrestling event Continue Reading »
Jake “The Snake” Roberts Health Update

Chuck Carroll sent out the following: I conducted an interview with Sinn Bodhi who provided me with an update on Jake “The Snake” Roberts condition and exactly what led to his hospitalization. The full interview on The Turnbuckle Weekly with Chuck Carroll can be heard online via CBS Radio in Washington, D.C. Bodhi said Roberts Continue Reading »
Jake “The Snake” Roberts Medical Update

Speaking through his official Facebook page, former WWE superstar Sinn Bodhi/Kizarny posted a medical update on WWE Hall of Famer Jake “The Snake” Roberts. “Great news!… Docs took Jake off ventilator way earlier then expected! He is kicking a** on his spirometer breathing tests…If he keeps up this pace he will not need to go Continue Reading »
Jake Roberts Health Update

Speaking through his official Facebook page, former WWE superstar Sinn Bodhi/Kizarny provided an update on WWE Hall of Famer Jake “The Snake” Roberts. “UPDATE on Jake the Snake Roberts: Jake is making progress on his breathing treatments quicker then expected! Hopefully be off ventilator in a couple days… He’s resilient! Today when he was awake Continue Reading »
Jake “The Snake” Roberts Undergoes Bronchoscopy

Speaking through his official Facebook page, former WWE superstar Sinn Bodhi/Kizarny noted that WWE Hall of Famer Jake “The Snake” Roberts underwent a bronchoscopy. “UPDATE on Jake the Snake Roberts: Today Jake underwent a Bronchoscopy… An evasive surgery to remove flem etc trapped in his lungs… He is breathing better but still on ventilator. In Continue Reading »
Jake Roberts Health Update

Speaking through his official Facebook page, former WWE superstar Sinn Bodhi/Kizarny noted that WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts has been sedated and put on a ventilator in order to help the oxygen get into his lungs as he continues to fight double pneumonia, as doctors are waiting on additional MRI results and tests until Continue Reading »
Jake “The Snake” Roberts Health Update

Speaking through his official Twitter account, former WWE superstar Sinn Bodhi/Kizarny noted that he has been with Jake Roberts overnight in a Las Vegas hospital and that Roberts is currently resting. UPDATE: @Jakesnakeddt is resting at the hospital. I've been there all night making sure he is comfortable. Thanks for all the kind messages! — Continue Reading »
Video: Kizarny Discusses His WWE Run, Movie Projects & More
Arda Ocal sent out the following: Former WWE Superstar Kizarny talks about his life today and whats on his plate (including horror movie projects and touring), how much of his life involves pro wrestling today.