Tag Archives: Chicago Cubs
CM Punk Participating In Lucha Mask Giveaway At Chicago Cubs Game

Tuesday night, the Chicago Cubs baseball team will giveaway Lucha Libre masks to anyone seated in Wrigley Field’s Budweiser Bleachers. WWE Superstar CM Punk is particpating by autographing two of the masks, which you can win by retweeting the Cubs’ tweet featuring a picture of Punk signing the items. For more details, visit the Cubs Continue Reading »
CM Punk To Sing At Chicago Cubs’ 7th Inning
WWE Champion CM Punk will be singing “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” during the 7th inning stretch at Wrigley Field for the Chicago Cubs game on Tuesday, May 8th. The Cubs reached out to Punk to offer him the opportunity, to which he responded via his Twitter account.