WWE sent out the following:

Stephanie McMahon part of 2017 Class of Henry Crown Fellows

The Aspen Institute announced that Stephanie McMahon will be part of the 2017 Class of Henry Crown Fellows, which recognizes leaders under the age of 45 who can apply their skills to build a better society.

WWE’s Chief Brand Officer will meet with the rest of the Fellows for four weeks over a two-year span in a structured retreat to discuss their leadership, values and vision for society. Each Fellow will also launch a new venture that will positively impact their communities, their country or the world.

“We are especially delighted with this year’s class of Henry Crown Fellows, the 21st since the Fellowship was founded,” said Peter Reiling, executive director of the program. “For society, they represent a potent force of talent, ready to focus their energies on some of the greatest challenges of our times. For them, they are embarking on a personal journey — a journey ‘from success to significance’ — that will change their lives forever. I know. I’m a Henry Crown Fellow, too.”

Stephanie responded to the news on Twitter, expressing her excitement for the honor.