The following results are from a recent WWE SmackDown TV Taping. The taping took place at the Echo Arena on November 8th, 2011 in Liverpool, England and will air on November 11th, 2011 at 8pm Eastern on the SyFy Network.

In Ring Segment
Randy Orton came out to open the show and talked about the 5-on-5 Traditional Survivor Series match and said that his team will be victorious. Wade Barrett came out and said that he’s a natural leader, as everyone has seen and said that if he beats Orton’s team at WWE Survivor Series, it would show that he’s ready to take the next step and become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Christian came out in a neck brace and talked about Wade Barrett, saying that Barrett inspires people and said he and Barrett should send a message. Barrett and Christian attacked Orton, until Sheamus came out and made the save. Teddy Long’s music hit and he came out and announced that Sheamus would face Christian next and that Wade Barrett will take on Randy Orton later in the evening.

Singles Match
Sheamus defeated Christian.

Backstage Segment
Daniel Bryan was in the back with AJ and Kaitlyn and noted that he almost cashed in his WWE Money in the Bank briefcase last week. Mark Henry came in and said that Bryan shouldn’t have dared to cash in his briefcase and said that Bryan has guts, but he will spill them later tonight.

Singles Match
Ted DiBiase defeated Jinder Mahal.

Singles Match
Mark Henry defeated Daniel Bryan. Following the match, Mark Henry picked up a steel chair and went to attack Daniel Bryan’s leg, however Bryan got hold of the chair and hit Henry with it to no effect, as Henry then hit Bryan with the World’s Strongest Slam a good few times, put him in the corner and put the chair on his leg, however Big Show came out to make the save. Henry managed to keep The Big Show out and hit Bryan on the back with the steel chair. The Big Show then got on the apron and had a staredown with Henry, before Henry exited the ring. Show then got in the ring and tossed Henry the title.

3-on-1 Handicap Match
The Big Show defeated 3 local enhancement superstars.

Singles Match
Alicia Fox defeated Tamina.

Tag Team Match
Los Aviadores (Hunico and Epico) defeated The Uso’s (Jey and Jimmy Uso).

Singles Match
Wade Barrett defeated Randy Orton.