Here’s the Ohio Valley Wrestling Television report for August 8th, 2012, with an air date of August 11th in Louisville. This episode, #677 to be exact, is already available online at

This is the show coming off the August 4th Saturday Night Special that saw OVW Heavyweight champion “Smooth” Johnny Spade vs Jamin Olivencia go to a two refs counting stereo double pins finish, but Spade left with the title because the referee of record for the match ruled him the winner.

Dean Hill, Gilbert Corsey, and Kenny Bolin were the TV announcers for this episode. Ron Hed was the ring announcer.

This episode opened with Gilbert Corsey in the ring, who brought out babyface authority figure Trailer Park Trash, along with his unwilling assistant, Josette Bynum. The talk was of the controversial finish to the August 4th Spade vs Olivencia OVW heavyweight title match, and they showed replays of the finish. Looked like neither guy was pinned to me. Spade and Olivencia came out and joined the party. It was decided that they’d meet again for the title in the main event tonight.

Prince Bolin yelled at his BS 2.0 members backstage for their poor performances. Joe Coleman begged to not be kicked out of the stable. Jason Wayne bragged about his military service in annoying way, and complained about the Olympics.

Trailer Park Trash put Josette Bynum to work backstage by making her clean his stinky ring gear, that had been in his bag for a few weeks.

Dean Hill, in the ring, announced that the September Saturday Night Special will mark the 10th anniversary of the Davis Arena. Hill said that show will have a “Nightmare Rumble”, with the winner getting a shot at the OVW heavyweight title at the October Saturday Night Special. Hill also said Nightmare Cup winners Michael Hayes & James “Moose” Thomas will get a tag title shot at The Best Team Ever(Rudy Switchblade & Jessie Godderz) at the Sept. SNS.

Shiloh Jonze & Raul Lamotta then entered the Davis arena thru the side door, since they are considered outsiders here now. Jonze & Lamotta complained about being overlooked, and said screw everybody in OVW, including Dean Hill, since he’s friends with Danny Davis. Hayes & Moose made the save, and agreed to put their #1 contendership status on the line now, leading to….

1. James “Moose” Thomas & Michael Hayes beat Shiloh Jonze & Raul Lamotta by DQ

Towards the end of the match when Moose and Hayes were making their comeback, The Best Team Ever ran in and attacked them, causing the DQ on Jonze & Lamotta. I guess Moose & Hayes are who BTW wants to face for the tag titles, since this preserved Hayes & Moose as the #1 contenders. Jonze & Lamotta get screwed here yet again, by heels no less.

Trailer Park Trash continued to put Josette Bynum to work backstage, telling her to clean the entire Davis arena in preparation for the 10 year anniversary at the September SNS.

Meanwhile elsewhere backstage….Mo Green was sitting on a chair, which annoyed Cliff Compton greatly. Guess chairs are at a premium back there. This was a distraction which allowed Chris Silvio to hit Compton from behind with another chair.

2. Ryan Howe beat Tony Gunn and Rob Terry to win the OVW TV Title

Tony Gunn was the champ going into this one. Trailer Park Trash came out before the match and said he was mad at how Rob Terry forced him way into this match. TPT should be mad at himself then, since he made the ruling of it last week. TPT’s reffing did the heel Terry no favors here, and Terry ended up getting knocked out of the ring, and Ryan Howe then rolled up Gunn to win the match, and the OVW TV title. This marked Ryan Howe’s first OVW title gold. I wouldn’t say this match exactly clicked.

Taeler Hendrix was backstage yelling at her boyfriend Dylan Bostic, as always. Ryan Howe happened by with his newly won OVW TV title, and his guitar. Hendrix became very enamored with Howe, and followed him out the door.

3. Alex Silva beat Eddie Diamond w/Timmy Danger

That’s right kids, Alex Silva, Ric Flair’s original and favorite Gut Checker, is back in OVW. Eddie Diamond got some offense in, but Silva won this one with his “Silva Surfer” running knee finisher.

Josette Bynum was in the parking lot by a dumpster. She complained to Trailer Park Trash that the dumpster was too full, which it wasn’t. TPT told Bynum to put the bag in, and then jump up and down on it, while wearing a dress and heels. Bynum actually did it, and fell into the dumpster. Wow, being TPT’s assistant is one rough gig….

4. OVW Heavyweight champion “Smooth” Johnny Spade vs Jamin Olivencia went off the air with no finish being shown

TV main event time. This one went about 20 minutes, and was not a fast paced match, but it was solid stuff. The bulk of it was Olivencia working on the left leg of Spade. I thought everyone in the announce booth did a tremendous job here of telling the various back stories of these guys, and they had the time and type of a match to do it. Towards the end both Spade and Olivencia used the other guys finisher, but both kicked out after having their own move used against them. The show went off the air as Spade and Olivencia were brawling on the mat.

An OK show this week. Send any feedback to