In an interview with USA Today’s For The Win section, ROH COO Joe Koff commented on a variety of topics including Adam Cole, Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly joining the WWE NXT roster, Cody Rhodes as the Ring of Honor World Champion and more.
Highlights of the interview are below:
On Adam Cole, Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly joining the WWE NXT roster: “I feel the same when anybody leaves. It always makes me feel like we did a good job on our part. This is something that Adam really wanted to do –and Bobby did and Kyle did and Kevin Owens before them – I’m all for their happiness. If they can fulfill their happiness in their roles, then I’m all for it.”
On Cody Rhodes as the ROH World Champion: “We love him as our champion and we love how he represents Ring of Honor, but we would like him to be solely Ring of Honor and not wrestling in other places where it has no meaning except to the local promotions, who I have no problem with, but he belongs here. He should be signing here. With each week that passes that he’s part of Ring of Honor, I think Cody realizes this is really where he needs to be and solely be here. I’m hopeful for that. He has been nothing but a great champion and a great voice for us. It does bother me a little bit that he is still wrestling in those other promotions. Just to be clear, this is not something he’ll read for the first time. He knows my feelings.”
On Ring of Honor’s role in the state of the professional wrestling industry: “I really believe this to be case, Ring of Honor has raised the level of professional wrestling in the last three or four years. We are a community of wrestlers. We are company that people want to work for. We have huge stars … These are not guys no one knows. These are people who everyone knows, especially the smart fans. That says a lot about Ring of Honor. We can look at the NXT roster, or the roster at Impact or even the RAW and Smackdown level and we’re well-represented in that. Some of their biggest stars actually come from my program and I’m proud of that.”
The interview is available in full at this link.