The following results are from a recent River City Wrestling event. The event took place on April 2nd, 2022 at the St. Jude Hall in Arlington, Texas and aired live on Title Match Network.
RCW Women’s Championship Match
Madi Wrenkowski (c) defeated Ki Vibez.
Singles Match
Thom Latimer defeated Sledge.
RCW Championship Match
Mysterious Q defeated Gino Medina to become the new Champion.
Triple Threat Match
Cam Cole defeated Diego Renay and Branden Vice.
Singles Match
Westin Blake vs. Kaun went to a time limit draw.
6 Person Tag Team Match
Alejandra The Lion, Angel Camacho & Lou Gotti (w/Nastico) defeated Christi Jaynes, Hunter Gray & Paul Titan.
8 Person Tag Team Match
David Kidd, Don Juan, Chris Marval & Katie Forbes (w/Rob Van Dam) defeated Rob Love, Casey Blackrose, Anthony Andrews & Jazzy Yang (w/Jimmy Wang Yang).