Ring Of Honor sent out the following:

The Proving Ground Comes To Spartanburg

The Proving Ground has put the likes of Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander, Mark Briscoe, and Kyle O’Reilly to the test. Thus far no man has passed the test and earned themselves a future ROH championship opportunity; be it for the World, TV, or Tag Titles. Survive the time limit or pin the champion, those are your choices and everyone has come up short. But another opportunity is on the horizon…When Ring of Honor makes its debut in Spartanburg on December 3rd, another team will step up to the plate and try to earn a future shot at the ROH World Tag Team Titles.

The duo looking to secure that opportunity: Roderick Strong & “Unbreakable” Michael Elgin.“This is the sort of situation that The House of Truth was born for.” stated Truth Martini, “These are the moments we prepare for, the make or break, the do or die, the life changing seconds that define who we are as a people, as competitors, as men.

Roderick Strong and Michael Elgin are the paragons of professional wrestling, and with a victory in the Proving Ground, they will be one step closer to proving the dominance of the HoT.”The only question will be what team The HoT must do battle with at “Southern Defiance”? Will it be Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin or Rhett Titus & Kenny King? They will clash at “Glory by Honor X” over the ROH World Tag Titles and the winner will head into the Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium to fight Strong & Elgin in The Proving Ground.

The HoT has 15 minutes to prove themselves on December 3rd, will they prove themselves worthy?Tickets for ROH’s debut in Spartanburg, SC on Saturday night December 3rd are available now at www.Ticketmaster.com!