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During Autism Awareness Month 2013, a Baltimore Realtor and a Former Professional Wrestler Come Together to Body Slam Autism
Daniel McDevitt of Cummings & Co. Realtors teams up with Jimmy Cicero & Maryland Championship Wresting to raise awareness for autism on April 27th in Dundalk, MD.
BALTIMORE, MD – Autism is a developmental disorder that affects an estimated 1.5 Million individuals in the United States and tens of Millions worldwide. Today, it is estimated that one in every 88 Children and One in Fifty Four boys are diagnosed with Autism.
Matt Bowman who performed as a Professional Wrestler under the stage name “The Wiseguy” Jimmy Cicero for over two decades now uses his notoriety to bring awareness to Autism. In Early 2009 when Bowman and his Wife Windra learned that their young son was autistic, he returned to the ring for the sole Purpose of promoting Autism Awareness. Bowman’s Mission became even more important to his family when his second son was also diagnosed with Autism.
“Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the United States,” says Matt Bowman, Husband and Father of two autistic sons ages 4 & 6. “Boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to have autism.”
Baltimore Realtor Dan McDevitt with Cummings & Co. Realtors is a long time friend of Matt Bowman and on April 27th, they will team up with Maryland Championship Wrestling to Bodyslam Autism. “I am ecstatic to be a part of this event and to be assisting Matt in his efforts to raise money for Autism Awareness, “says McDevitt.
“For me, raising Autism Awareness achieves victory on two different fronts. It allows me the opportunity to encourage families who suspect that a loved one may potentially be on the autism spectrum to seek an early diagnosis which in turn can lead to early intervention. I also am able to build bridges within the special needs community. The daily challenges that families with autism face are monumental, for me to be able to share information and provide support is absolutely invaluable.” Bowman Said.
The Maryland Championship Wrestling event, Bodyslam Autism will emanate from The New Green Room in Dundalk, MD on Saturday April 27, 2013 with a 7:30PM Bell time. Fans will be treated to 8 Action packed matches featuring Fed Up, MCW tag Team Champions Flash & Zukko, Naplam Bomb, Jessie Kaye and all of the stars of Maryland Championship Wrestling. There will also be a special appearance by former WWE Diva Taryn Terrell and partial proceeds from this event will be donated to Autism Speaks.
For ticket information, interviews or event questions you can call Maryland Championship Wrestling at 410-541-6291 or visit their website at