Brian Soscia sent out the following:
WWE champion CM Punk came by and not only talked w/ The Soscia Network, but also did a Q and A with the fans.
To hear more interviews and submit questions for upcoming interviews:
Follow Soscia on Twitter @THEBrianSoscia
He really opens up and a lot of stuff is uncovered:
-He talks about his travel schedule and hat he does to keep busy while traveling.
-You’ll be shocked at what major movie he has never seen.
-His favorite place to go for a Philly Cheesesteak.
-His least favorite opponent in WWE who now wrestles in TNA and why?
-His thoughts going from one of the most hated to one of the most popular wrestlers.
-Why have we still not seen WWE ice cream bars yet?
-He discusses his different tattoos.
-Other than Chris Brown, what celebrity would he like to punch in the face?
-He talks about his family life and guys trying to take his sister out on dates.
-His WWE title history.
-How did he get the name C.M. Punk?
-What his theme song means to him and how it relates to his childhood.
-He discusses how social networking has changed Professional Wrestling.
-How he ended up skydiving w/ WWE.
-His most severe injury that could’ve ended his career before he ever came to WWE.
-Who he would like to see in WWE.
-His message to the people that said he’s never make it.
-Does he feel a change starting to happen behind the scenes?
PLUS a lot more!!
Link to the interview: