Hit The Ropes Radio sent out the following:

Hit the Ropes was able to speak with WSU’s Jessicka Havok as she prepares for her match against Mercedes Martinez for the WSU Championship on March 3rd on iPPV. Below are a few quotes from the hour-long interview that begins at the 60 minute mark.

On Getting the Shot at Mercedes Martinez’s Championship: “WSU noticed something in me and I feel in my heart that this is the biggest match in my career and I deserve this shot whether Mercedes thinks so or not. And she doesn’t. She doesn’t think I’m a worthy enough opponent. She doesn’t think I deserve this shot to begin with, which is cool. But, at the same time, I’m going to prove to her and the rest of the haters why I should be number one. And this is the biggest match of my career, even bigger than me wrestling Ivory or Luna or anyone, this is the biggest match of my career because Mercedes Martinez has been in this business for a long time. She is very impressive in the ring. There is a reason why she’s the longest-reigning WSU Champion. However, I am also a force to be reckoned with and I feel, in my heart, that she’s never been in the ring with anyone like myself. No one has wanted this more than me, I can guarantee it. That’s why I think I’m going to take this title from her on March 3rd.”

On Meeting Maria Kanellis and Having a Change of Opinion on Her: “She honestly was one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met. She was very knowledgeable about women’s wrestling as a whole. Even though everyone labeled her as a Diva, they’re not all bad, I was a fan of Michelle McCool too, like she ended up being really, really frickin’ good. And Layla too even. She actually ended up wowing me with her knowledge. Towards the end of our little Q&A with her I actually said, “I honestly respect you now because going into this I didn’t have any respect for you because I’m a female indy wrestler. I’ve been busting my a** for 8 years and you just looked pretty so you just got a contract. And that’s unfair of me to say but she respected my honesty”

On What She Plans on Doing to Martinez: “It’s going to be a crazy match. It’s the biggest match of my career and it’s probably going to be the hardest fought match of my career. Legit. I truly think that I’m going to have to fight, fight, and fight. It just depends on how [expletive] goes down man. I just plan on walking out of there double champion, still undefeated. And if I have to send her a** back to the hospital or to the morgue I will.”

Havok also spoke about the current Divas Division (Kelly Kelly in particular), going to wrestle in Canada, and took questions from callers.

The entire interview can be heard here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hittheropesradioshow/2012/02/23/wsus-jessicka-havok-on-hit-the-ropes

Note from Wayne: You can pre-order the iPPV now to watch on March 3rd for just $14.99 at http://www.gfl.tv/Events/Fight/Wrestling/WSU_5_Year_Anniversary_Show/1259/?refCode=GFLA152 or by clicking the poster below.