Today at the Royal Rumble Fan Fest, in Phoenix AZ, WWE has assembled a WCW discussion panel. The panel consists of X-Pac, Kevin Nash, The Big Show, and Booker T. Matt Striker is the host of the show.
Here are the highlights of the show:
-Kevin Nash said there were two locker rooms in the early days of WCW, one for the “A” guys and one for the “jabronis.”
-Before getting into wrestling, Nash was a bouncer at a strip club.
-Big Show said his first match with Hulk Hogan was a one match deal, and was a brave move by WCW putting him in that match.
-According to Big Show, guys in WCW weren’t hungry, they were very comfortable and easy going. NWO upped the intensity.
-Big Show said that Scott Hall first introduced himself to him by saying, “Hey, I’m Scott Hall, make sure to tuck your chin.” Which is a term to tell Big Show to make sure he doesn’t get hurt when Hall does his finishing move on him. This really “p*****” Big Show off.
-Booker T said that guys like Hall/Nash showed him how to be successful and get paid. He was a sponge taking it all in. He also said that most of the talent in WCW were jealous and had animosity for the NWO and their success.
-Nash tells the crowd that the original idea for NWO was for Sting to turn heel and join, but Hulk Hogan convinced the right people to make it him instead.
-Booker T said that NWO was very close to “killing the business” with their backstage politics. He was also asked by Kevin Nash at the time to join the NWO, because they needed “more color.” Booker T declined because he didn’t want to be their ‘bump” guy.
-X-Pac said that WCW sued WWE for his return promo he made the night he returned after WrestleMania14.
-The panel was asked who they miss the most that has passed away. X-Pac missed Mr. Perfect, Booker said Sherri, Nash replied with Rick Rude and Brad Armstrong, who he had his first match with. The Big Show missed Crush (Bryan Adams), he said that him, Adams and Undertaker all played golf together. He still can’t pick up a golf club without thinking of him.
-The panel said that Rick Steiner was more dangerous to work with in the ring, and not his brother Scott. Rick Steiner once pulled a gun on X-Pac as a rib, pulled the trigger, and was a blank bullet.
-Kevin Nash has isssue with Sting being in the WWE website alumni page, because he never worked a match in the WWE.
(Courtesy of Arda Ocal of The Score and Baltimore Sun)