In an interview with The Memorabilia Guy, Zak Knight, the brother of WWE women’s wrestler Paige, noted that his sister is 100% healed from her neck surgery.
“Yeah, 100%. People love buying into true stories. Obviously, to start with, the family was unsure about what was going on between Paige and Alberto. Everyone can blame Alberto for what’s happening at the moment but she’s a 24-year-old girl that made fame at 18 and she’s got a horrific injury and we don’t know what’s going to happen next. This could be the end of Paige or it could be the big fight-back story. We don’t know yet, but the fact that Alberto and Paige is now coming into WAW, is huge for us. She’s now giving out pointers and Alberto is the same, he’s great. He comes over and is willing to do anything.”
The interview is available in full at this link.this link