Rinku Singh, who rose to worldwide prominence as part of the Million Dollar Arm reality show in India, which later became a movie about his life, has signed a developmental deal with the WWE, according to a report from ESPN who note that Singh participated in a WWE tryout in Dubai back in April 2017 which ultimately led to the company offering him the deal.

29 year-old Singh, who will report to WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida soon, spent almost 8 years as part of the Pittsburgh Pirates before injuries put an end to his baseball career.

Speaking about the signing, Singh had the following to say, “I would have never dreamed, growing up as a skinny kid from a small village in India, that after many turns and crossroads, I’ve been given this fantastic opportunity in the WWE. The tryout was way different than what I had been through in baseball, or even back when I was training in track and field for the Olympics.”