In a recent episode of his Foley Is Pod podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley discussed several topics, including the original plans for what later became the Mankind character to be called “Mason The Mutilator”.
“Vince said in this business we’ve had crushers, we’ve had destroyers, we’ve had executioners, but we’ve never had a mutilator, he gets that bass in his voice, mutilator, that’s what you are, and then he gives me the name Mason. He alludes to the Manson name, but tells me that we can’t go there and I don’t want to go there, I was very uncomfortable with being Cactus Jack Manson, I did it because I really had no other choice.
I felt Mason The Mutilator is one of the worst things I’ve ever heard, it sounds to me like something that would be in a bootleg version of an old Fish card game, it just sounds awful and he said, what do you think and I said, I like it a lot, but what if, those were the three biggest words, but what if instead of being Mason The Mutilator, I was Mankind The Mutilator and he says, I don’t think I understand it. I said this way, when they’re talking about the future of mankind and the destruction of mankind, it means two different things, you know, it’s talking about me and the people, and he’s writing all this stuff own on a yellow legal pad.”
All episodes of Foley Is Pod are available at this link.