Speaking through her official Twitter account, TNA knockout Maria Kanellis-Bennett commented on the legal matter between Billy Corgan and TNA Wrestling and also noted that she may be leaving the wrestling business at some point in 2017.
News, any news doesn't ever tell the whole story. It will be an interesting next couple months.What I know is I am leaving wrestling soon.
— MariaKanellisBennett (@MariaLKanellis) November 1, 2016
I'm not exactly sure when but that's why I went back to school. I am done in May with my bachelors. And then, I'm on to my masters degree.
— MariaKanellisBennett (@MariaLKanellis) November 1, 2016
Eventually everyone must realize that the road never changes until you change roads.
— MariaKanellisBennett (@MariaLKanellis) November 1, 2016