In an interview with Chris Yandek, Lanny Poffo, the brother of the late WWE Hall of Famer “Macho Man” Randy Savage noted that it was his decision for him to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, despite it being against his wishes.

“Now, my mother was very upset, because she knew that Randy’s wishes, she says, you can’t do that, this is Randy’s wishes and I said, I am the older brother now, I get to make unpopular decisons. It’s my wishes that are going to happen and Macho Man is going in the Hall of Fame, because the fans have been suffering enough. One one hand, you’ve got one Macho Man, on the other hand, you’ve got millions and millions of Macho fans and if it wasn’t for the Macho fan, the Macho Man would not exist, so in a way, I am doing Randy’s bidding.”

The interview is available in full at this link.