The following results are from a recent International Pro Wrestling: United Kingdom live event. The event took place on October 26th, 2014 at the Angel Centre in Tonbridge, Kent, England.
VIP Pre-Show
Singles Match
Joel Redman defeated Omega.
Singles Match
Will Ospreay defeated Rich Swann.
Main Show
Singles Match
Paul Robinson defeated Rich Swann.
Singles Match
Jonathan Windsor defeated Sha Samuels.
Tag Team Match
The Sumerian Death Squad (Michael Dante & Tommy End) defeated The Dangerous B**t***s (Dave Mastiff & Danny Garnell).
Tag Team Match
The Alpha Males (Charlie Garrett & Iestyn Rees) defeated The Dropkickers (Mark Hendry & Luke Feenan).
Singles Match
Jimmy Havoc defeated Paul London.
IPW:UK World Championship Match
Martin Stone defeated Bad Bones to become the new IPW:UK World Champion.