In a recent interview with The Business of the Business podcast, Game Changer Wrestling owner Brett Lauderdale discussed several topics, including the future of GCW’s streaming, noting that while he can not dive into the specifics, an announcement will be made by November 1st.

“First and foremost, there’s going to be an announcement coming between now and November 1st on the future of GCW’s streaming and where you can watch, and how you can watch GCW events. It’s going to be an announcement that fans are going to be very happy about, it’s going to be something that people have basically been asking for and it’s going to be something that’s going to make it a lot easier for GCW fans not to just watch GCW, but to watch every show, so I’m happy and excited to be able to make that announcement and to make GCW more accessible.

I’m not going to tell you what it is, because I’m not allowed to until the announcement is made, but I will tell you a little bit about the process, because this has been an ongoing process for over a year now, and we’ve had so many options on the table, we’ve explore everything from following models that are already in place for individual streaming networks to creating our own from scratch, and this includes, I did have meetings with literal developers, multiple in different places, talking to people who have helped build networks for other companies outside of wrestling and just hearing how they build these and put these together and hearing how much work and how much it actually costs to build these things, which I learned they’re actually very expensive.

It’s not as simple as, you know, just creating a website and uploading a file of a wrestling, there’s a lot more that goes into it. We’ve looked at every option, we’ve weighed every option, we’ve looked at the numbers of everything on all those options and what those numbers would mean, and what they could mean before coming to our conclusion and ultimately, I think the route we’re taking is the one that makes the mose sense for us, and will be the easiest transition for our fans, so I am again very excited for this and I think it’s great for the fans and I also think it’s great for GCW, and if I was not sure this was going to be great for GCW, I would not be doing it, because this is a game-changer in how people will view GCW and how it will be streamed and it’s a big difference in going from a literal every show is a pay-per-view model to what we’re going to be doing, so without the circumstances in place, I wouldn’t be doing this and we’re very fortunate.

This is a great opportunity for GCW and we’ll see. I’ll be able to talk more about it very soon, and I’ll be happy to come talk about it once the announcement is made.”

The full interview is available at this link.