In an update on the Creation Suite in this year’s WWE 2K16 videogame, the following are some notable additions to the game this year.
– All features and options that were present in the Create an Arena on last-gen consoles now return for WWE 2K16 with more possibilities available for the next-gen consoles.
– The user now has the ability to freely move around and customize different elements of the stage.
– The user can now indiviudally swap the titantron type as it is not tied to the preset stage, meaning that if the user chose the WWE SmackDown Oval titantron, then that user could have the NXT setup included with their choice.
– The user can now place 3D objects and props on the stage such as ambulances, ladders, cars and LED boards with 128 points available for customization, similar to Create a Superstar options. This allows for created arenas such as a WWE RAW UK Arena and other ideas.
– There are 30 Preset Stage Designs to choose from to customize from.
– Certain stage designs will only work depending on arena size, meaning that should the user choose it, a WrestleMania set will not work in an NXT or ECW sized arena.
– There will be 5 different size arenas to choose from with a choice between 6 different crowd types which are ECW, WCW, 1996, 1997-1998, 1999-2003 and 2015.
– There is now the option to customize the steel steps, while the user can add LED boards to the ring apron, selecting preset ones or adding their own custom logo for the LED board.
– The option now allows the user to create fully customized championships, allowing the user to swap and add parts and plates to the custom championships, as well as move them around and position them freely.
– The user can upload their own images, allowing the user to create any title from any wrestling company.
– There are several preset title designs from WWE, WCW, ECW and WWE NXT.
– There are now more options for morphing, hair and more.
– Created Superstars have the options of 105 Hairstyles, 12 Eyebrows, 80 Facial Hair styles, 9 eye makeups, 4 lipsticks and 10 marks and scars, while Created Divas have the options of 35 hairstyles, 6 eyelashes, 15 eyeshadows, 45 piercings and 6 lipsticks amongst other options for both Superstars and Divas.
– Facial texture allows the user to be more precise and accurate, meaning that not only is the texture changed for the frontal view, but also for the side of the face.
– The hair dye option can be used on male and female wrestlers and has no limitations on usage, meaning that the user’s creation could have rainbow hair or hair similar to Jeff Hardy or Seth Rollins.
– The user will NOT be able to edit the face or the hair of in-game WWE superstars and divas.
– The user will now be able to select a fighting style for each superstar in create a moveset, which will potentially impact with how the AI behaves with that created character.
– The fighting styles include aerialist, brawler, giant, powerhouse, showboat, striker and technician.
– The user can also edit a superstar’s personality traits, which will play a role in MyCareer.
– The personality traits sliders are Prideful/Egotistical, Respectful/Disrespectful, Persevere/Desperate, Loyal/Treacherous, Bold/Cowardly and Disciplined/Aggressive.
– There are several motions available in the game for names who are not in WWE 2K16 such as AJ Lee’s skipping entrance or The Great Khali’s entrance.
– CM Punk’s entrance is NOT in the game, meaning that the user will have to work around creating his entrance if they are to create him in the game.
– This mode is similar to editing a show in the WWE Universe mode where you are given the option to select the show logo, the nameplates, the banners, the match-up screen and more.
– The user will have full customization over graphics with the ability to import and add their own logos.