In a recent interview with Busted Open Radio, All Elite Wrestling talent Dustin Rhodes revealed that his contract with AEW will expire in July 2023.
“I made a decision that at the end of July, my contract is up and I’m going to be done with in-ring, or at least tone it way, way down. I don’t know if that’s going to be it, because they say when we’re retiring, they always come back and you never say never, but that’s what I’m looking for, is an end date for my in-ring wrestling career and that will be 35, almost 36 years in the business and I think that’s a good round number.
There’s nothing that I haven’t done, good or bad, that I regret in the business, I love everything that I’ve done. The bad things have always come to me and taught me lessons, and I’ve become a better man for those. I want to get our while I can still walk, but still teach the kids, still coach hopefully, if God willing, I’m allowed to do that here, or whatever, and occasionally make an on-screen appearance, I don’t know, but I just don’t want to embarrass myself is the main thing.”
The full interview is available at this link.