WWE legend Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson noted in an interview with Variety that he’s not back in the WWE because of the money, but instead because he wants to entertain the fans that have been so good to him over the years and he’s been very fortunate that he’s got the opportunity to return.

“I’m back for no other reason than to entertain the fans that had been so good to me over the years, it’s not about the dollar. I’ve been very fortunate. When you go out there and you perform, it becomes really magical. So to be able to go back and create the biggest match of all time for them means the world to me. I took the biggest risk of my life by leaving WWE when I was on top. To be able to go back means the world to me.”

The interview also features comments from The Rock on his movie career which sees him filming 4 movies post-WrestleMania in Hercules, Fast & Furious 6, Pain & Gain and Empire State.