In speaking on a new blog on his official website, WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross discussed the State of Oklahoma banning combat sports (MMA and pro wrestling) effective March 31st, his time in Florida Championship Wrestling, the prospect of WWE calling up stars to the main roster after WrestleMania and much more.

On Oklahoma banning combat sports: “Oklahoma was in the news this past week essentially banning ‘combat sports’ such as MMA and professional boxing from promoting in the state of Oklahoma and the politicos even included ‘Pro Wrestling’ in their misguided list of Combat Sports. If WWE is a Combat Sport, I assume the Oklahoma politicians also think that the Ice Capades and the Harlem Globetrotters are as well. Hopefully this ill advised decision can have a happy ending and I feel that it can once all involved parties, specifically the Oklahoma government, can take a closer look at their decision and how it can potentially take Oklahoma out of the game and cost the state significant revenues on many fronts including promotions such as WWE potentially not touring my home state.”

On his time in Florida Championship Wrestling: “How was it broadcasting with @RealKingRegal in FCW?” As I mentioned, I had a blast. He’s a true professional and is as good as any one currently on WWE programming. The Englishman is a great story teller plus he entertainingly can breakdown any bout from a strategy standpoint. Very dry wit and a wealth of in ring knowledge. Regal is a valuable asset for WWE.”

On the prospect of WWE calling up FCW stars after WrestleMania: “It will be interesting to see how these talents are introduced to the mass, TV audience and how said talents respond to their new found opportunities and the pressure that they will discover at the next level, I’m optimistic that WWE fans will embrace several new, FCW trained talents in the coming months.”

Ross’ blog is available in full at this link.