In a recent interview with Chris Van Vliet as part of the INSIGHT With Chris Van Vliet podcast, former WWE superstar DIJAK (aka Donovan Dijak) discussed several topics, including why another return for him to the WWE NXT brand was not possible prior to his departure from the company.

“I can give you my hypothesis. I don’t know this to be fact. It’s a complete guess and no one has told me otherwise. I don’t know when this decision was made. But at some point, there was likely a decision made that Dijak or T-BAR is on a main roster contract and under that main roster contract, it concludes on June 28 2024. So I’m in NXT on a main roster contract. So at some point, whether it was before I went to NXT, or during NXT, or whether it’s right before the draft, I think at some point a decision was made that he’s on a main roster contract on NXT and that doesn’t work in whatever capacity.

I’m not sure, but my guess would be they don’t want to renew a contract for someone who’s on NXT. My guess would also be, not my guess, but I know that they didn’t have a creative plan for me on Raw. So at that point, what do you do? You can leave me on NXT. But if you leave me on NXT and the plan is to just let my contract expire, then that doesn’t look good. Because if the plan was, I wasn’t directly told, but it was alluded to me that the plan was for me to, or there was at least a pitch for me to feud with Trick Williams for the NXT Championship. So if that happens and it plays out at Battleground and we have a match, my contract is up maybe a week later or something like that, I don’t know the exact timing of it. So if you’re WWE, do you want someone having a feud for the main championship and then not being employed the next week?

That’s probably not a great scenario. So I think, my guess is they looked at all the possible scenarios and said, Okay, best case scenario right now for us and what we want to do with his contract is just kind of quietly bring him up to Raw and just kind of hope he fades away.”

The full interview is available at this link.