The following results are from a recent Dragon Gate USA internet pay-per-view event. The event took place on April 4th, 2014 at the McAlister Auditorium in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Open The United Gate Championship Match
The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lance Bravado) (c) defeated Anthony Nese & Caleb Konley.

Singles Match
AR Fox defeated Mr. A.

Singles Match
Rich Swann defeated Biff Busick.

Tag Team Match
The Colony (Green Ant & Fire Ant) defeated The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor & Drew Gulak).

Singles Match
Trent Barreta defeated Low Ki.

Singles Match
Masato Tanaka defeated Chris Hero.

Open The Freedom Gate Championship Match
Ricochet defeated Johnny Gargano to become the new Champion.