Bill Behrens sent along note that TNA Wrestling tag team Bad Influence (Christopher Daniels & Kazarian) are available for wrestling, seminar, autograph and appearance bookings by contacting Behrens at or and that both are based in Los Angeles.

The tag team themselves have commented on being available for bookings, by announcing their independent dates as the “Best In The Biz-I-Ness Tour 2014”.

“For a good while now, we at Bad Influence have said we’re the best tag team in the Biz-I-Ness, but our New Years Resolution this year is to prove to everyone what we already know. So ATTENTION ALL PROMOTERS AND WRESTLERS: If you think you measure up to our standards, prove it and book your best against us on our Best In The Biz-I-Ness Tour 2014! For information, contact our business guru Bill Behrens at, and be prepared to worship us…. NOW!”