In a recent interview with the Forever Young Podcast, WWE superstar Charlotte Flair discussed several topics, including her knee injury, her recovery and more.

“When it first happened, I thought my life was over, I was like, oh my gosh, a perfect storm, like my husband had just come back to the company or was on his way back, I knew he was going to be debuting soon. From the moment I was taken out, I just have kept telling myself that I’m going to come back the best version of the Queen when I do come back.

You never like to be sidelined due to an injury, but then again, I’m not sure if I would have ever sidelined myself had it not been for the injury, so it’s been a challenge, but a challenge I know that’s going to make me better in the long run, because I’ve had the opportunity over these, I think it’s been like nine, eights months now to go back and see things that I would have done over, what can I do over, look at the landscape of the division, try to figure out where I can add character layers when I come back, and I think the biggest struggle for me mentally is I’ve never not been able to rely on my athleticism.

Where I might not be the best on the mic, or a certain look, I’ve always been so proud of how physical I am, and not having that feel 100 percent has been an adjustment for me, where before I know the girls respected me for being tough and you know, not being injured, and when this happened I was like, I can be injured, so it really, it’s been a mixed blessing. For me, it feels very vulnerable, but I know that in the long run it’s going to be better for me.”

The full interview is available at this link.