In an interview with Kevin Kellam of the National Pro Wrestling Examiner, TNA Impact Wrestling superstar Bully Ray commented on his decision to lose weight and get into the best shape of his life, as well as how he re-invented himself as a singles star in the company.
“When Devon and I went our separate ways a little over two years ago, I knew I needed to reinvent myself overnight. Nobody comes out of the most successful tag teams of all time, and just becomes an established singles star unless they do something to catch the world’s eye. The great thing about ‘ Bully Ray’ is, it’s really not a character. I love when people say ‘Oh your character’, I always tell them it’s not a character. It’s me. You’re not watching a character on TV, you are watching me. As far as my body is concerned, I knew I wanted to get into the best shape of my life. I knew how hard it would be. At 38 years old, I started to really diligently hitting the weights. I had always done cardio, to make sure I was in ring shape. Dropped about a hundred pounds, reformed my body and still I am trying to get there. It’s very hard to lose body fat and build quality muscle at the same time. There are lifestyle changes as far as eating is concerned, drinking a gallon of water a day, keeping up with my supplements, and just busting my a**.”
The interview is available in full at