In the latest WWE Chronicle episode focused on former WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman, Braun revealed the decision behind changing his look lately and how he needed approval before going ahead with shaving his hair off.

“I called Vince and I said Vince, it’s time to get rid of this crappy hair and he’s like, well why? Well, for one it looks bad and two, I’m about to get a little nasty.

He said, give me a day, I’ve got to run it through everything to make sure…..legalities, licensing and everything, give me 24 hours, just shoot me a text and I’ll let you know. I texted him back the next day and an hour or so later, he responded with a thumbs up, so it went away.

I think it’s a refresher that Braun needed, we’re getting back to the old Braun, the Braun that made him The Monster Among Men.”