In an interview as part of the new episode of WWE 24 – “WrestleMania: The Show Must Go On”, former WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman opened up on being bullied as a kid.
“Bullying is something that everybody, I don’t care how big and strong, how beautiful you are, at some point in your life, you get bullied. I just didn’t understand why I would get picked on, because I was friendly, I’m a fun person, like when I walk into a room, I like making people laugh and stuff, so it was really hard as a young kid growing up to understand. I knew I was fat, dealing with that, hearing it over and over and over, it wears on you, I mean this is hard to talk about.”
Braun was then seen on-screen to start to get emotional, detailing how he entered into Strongman competitions, how he met WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry and how that eventually led to him being signed by the company.