Reality Of Wrestling sent out the following:
Back by popular demand – Booker T is hosting another Fantasy Camp!
Wondering if this camp is for you?
Here’s what you need to know:
– Booker T’s Pro Wrestling Fantasy Camp gives the weekend warrior and wrestling fan the experience of stepping into the ring. If you’ve ever dreamed of finding out what it feels like to bounce off the ropes or take a bump, this is for you.
– This camp is not just for people who want to become a pro wrestler; this is about having fun and learning from a Hall Of Famer!
– But, if you’ve ever thought about training to become a wrestler and just aren’t sure – this is the perfect chance to see if it’s something you want to pursue.
Our next Fantasy Camp will be Sunday February 15th at Booker T’s Wrestling School, WXF. That’s 9189 Winkler, Suite C, Houston, TX 77017. Fantasy Camp is from noon until 5pm. Dress comfortably in workout gear and come prepared for an amazing experience! Fantasy Camp is open to everyone; however, our younger participants must be at least 10 years old with parental consent. Space is limited so reserve your spot now by clicking on the link and we’ll see you February 15th!