The following results are from a recent Big Japan Pro Wrestling event. The event took place on June 26th, 2024 at the Ueno Park Outdoor Stage in Tokyo, Japan.

Singles Match
Kosuke Sato defeated Kankuro Hoshino.

Tag Team Match
Maybe Death & Masked Go! Go defeated Mysterious White Mask & Mysterious Black Mask.

Tag Team Match
Kazumasa Yoshida & Chicharito Shoki defeated Masaki Morihiro & Hideyoshi Kamitani.

Tag Team Match
Takuya Nomura & Shreddy defeated Jordan MacAllan & Connor King.

Tag Team Match
Yasufumi Nakanoue & Ryuji Ito vs. Kota Sekifuda & Abdullah Kobayashi went to a double countout.

Tag Team Match
Yasufumi Nakanoue & Ryuji Ito defeated Kota Sekifuda & Abdullah Kobayashi.