CMLL’s Jose Luis Feliciano (part of CMLL’s programming department) announced via his own twitter account that Averno was out of CMLL.
Averno oficialmente fuera del CMLL
— Jose Luis Feliciano (@guerrero_cmll) April 28, 2014
This ends Averno’s almost 20 years of being in CMLL. He started with the promotion back in 1995 as Rencor Latino, wrestling in preliminary matches. He got his big break when the version of Los Infernales in 2001 broke up with Rey Bucanero and Ultimo Guerrero aligning themselves with Tarzan Boy (now Toscano) in a feud with Infernales leader, El Satanico. El Satanico recruited two undercard luchadores, Rencor Latino and Astro Rey Jr. In one of CMLL’s great vignettes of that time, El Satanico had his new disciples walk through fire and when they came through they were introduced by their new names, Averno and Mephisto. The trio feuded with the former Infernales and Tarzan Boy, who took on the trio name of Los Guerreros del Infierno. Averno would be the first big rival to the new, up-and-coming tecnico, Mistico and that would be his biggest feud of his career. Averno would also be a part of a few other factions, including briefly with Los Perros Del Mal, until he along with long-time tag team partner Mephisto and Ephesto would form a trio called Los Hijos del Averno (sometimes also called La Triada del Terror).
Averno was one of CMLL’s more successful rudos in the 2000’s. When Mistico signed with WWE in 2011 there were rumors of Averno possibly going with him. In fact, Averno to WWE rumors had actually been going on long before that when WWE held tryouts in Mexico, his name usually came up as someone who attended tryouts. Averno even made a cameo in the initial Mistico, then re-named Sin Cara in WWE, videos. Everyone assumed he was leaving. Apparently so did Averno because around April he decided he had to drop his mask to get a huge payday out of it. CMLL booked a feud between Averno and La Mascara to quickly set-up a mask match in June. Averno dropped his mask on June 17th to La Mascara at the Juicio Final show in Arena Mexico. Oddly enough, that show almost got cancelled due to a protest led by former CMLL undercard wrestler, Tony Rivera and his magic bus parked in front of the Arena Mexico entrance. Big things were coming for Averno…
Then Sin Cara was suspended by WWE for breaking the substance abuse policy and Averno going to WWE didn’t seem to happen. Fans kept asking. Nothing new. Averno continued on in CMLL and had probably his best non-Mistico year as a headliner in 2011. After that run though, the focus was shifted over to others and Averno seemed to be just one of many headliners in CMLL. That’s partly due to CMLL booking so many shows and the increase in their talent getting booked by other promoters.
Averno would be rumored to be leaving CMLL all the time. Whenever AAA would announce a “luchador sorpresa” his name was usually at the top of the list of guesses by everyone.
It wasn’t until sometime in February when a Monterrey promoter leaked a flyer with Averno and Sin Cara on it that the “Averno leaving CMLL” rumors restarted. The promoter was told to take down the flyer due to WWE wanting it taken down, but also another promotion had asked to take it down as well for a different reason. That didn’t stop other promoters putting up posters advertising Sin Cara and Averno on their shows. After WWE announced they had released the original Sin Cara (announced it by revealing his real name) in late March that seemed to increase the Averno leaving CMLL news as more and more lucha posters advertising Sin Cara against Averno. Meanwhile in CMLL, Averno was feuding with the new Mistico.
On April 27th, Averno wrestled what was likely his last match in CMLL as part of the 2014 Reyes del Aire. He actually was one of the final 3 in the match, which was surprising given someone who must have already told the promotion he was leaving ahead of schedule. During the most recent MLW podcast, Konnan made reference to AAA bringing in Sin Cara and a wrestler from Arena Mexico would be jumping as well.
Averno is booked on several shows against Sin Cara starting on April 29th and throughout May. Its his biggest paying feud. His eventual jump to AAA would mean that the promotion has set-up Sin Cara to feud with three of his top rivals from the past in Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Black Warrior and now Averno. There’s also the likelihood that both Sin Cara and Averno should they debut in AAA will have to enter the promotion with new names as Averno’s name is owned by CMLL and well, we know how the Sin Cara name thing has gone on since he left WWE. The next stage in Averno’s career should be very interesting.