According to a report from, Andre Davis, better known as Andre Heart in the Ohio region, was found guilty on 14 counts of felonious assault, as he did not disclose the information with women he slept with that he was HIV positive, despite having unprotected sex with them. The report indicates that Davis slept with four different women in Deerfield Township, Ohio and with twelve different women in Hamilton County, Ohio and that Davis had known since early 2009 that he was HIV positive, but chose not to disclose the information.

Davis was made aware of his HIV status back in 2008 when undergoing a blood test with the WWE for a developmental contract, where he would train as a referee, however the company later rescinded the offer affter becoming aware of his medical issues. Davis was found not guilty on one charge after the jury spent over 9 hours deliberating their verdict and Davis will face up to 100 years in prison when sentenced on December 21st.

More on Davis is available in full at this link.