According to a report from the Anime News Network, a live action film based on Tiger Mask, who has seen various people play the roles of the character, most notably the original Tiger Mask and Tiger Mask IV, is in the works for a 2012 release.
Eiji Wentz (Gegege no Kitaro, Brave Story) will take the lead role of Tiger Mask with Show Aikawa (Tokyo Zombie, Zebraman) as Mister X, and Natsuna Watanabe (Kimi ni Todoke, Gantz) as Ruriko and will be directed by well-known Japanese director Ken Ochiai. For those unaware, “Tiger Mask” is the alter ego of the character Naoto Date, a pro wrestler who goes against an evil wrestling organization and fights for children in an orphanage.
The new film sees Date acquire a special suit and transform into Tiger Mask with enhanced mobility and muscle strength. The film is said to devote approximately one third of it’s screen time to Date’s professional wrestling training in Tora no Ana, prior to him turning his back on the orginisation.
More on the movie is available at this link.