WWE have hired digital agency SapientNitro to redesign and overhaul the company’s official website from it’s current look, scheduled to launch during the first quarter of 2012.

The outlook of the site is believed to be an interactive site incorporating more of Facebook and Twitter into the site and was one of the most popular sites WWE conducted with a fan survey prior to this year’s WWE Summerslam pay-per-view event.

WWE also looked at other areas of strengthening in the survey earlier this year, including incorporating a 24/7 radio show, featuring WWE superstars past and present amongst the new interactive site, however the first steps have been taken on a 2012 relaunch of the website and it remains to be seen whether the company go ahead with the radio plans, as plans for the WWE Network, the build to WrestleMania 28 and as mentioned above, the overhaul of the official website will take main priority.