AAA announced today that Psicosis would be returning to their promotion but it will be someone new under the mask as Nicho is there already and the 2nd one is currently in EMLL so they are bringing the gimmick back fresh.

Speaking of Psicosis II, he promoted a show in Tijuana last Friday using mostly local talent and EMLL guys in the main event but there was one issue as he supposedly didn’t pay any of the local talent, the costs to clean the arena after the show, ticket printing costs, or for advertising. He used the license of Promociones MV who has run shows in Tijuana for years and this could be a fake because all of this went down on the official CMLL Facebook page but it’s interesting nonetheless.

Daga who suffered a badly injured left hand that was closed with 10 stiches a couple of weeks ago at the AAA TV taping in Ecatepec visited his doctor on Tuesday and was told that his injury hasn’t healed nearly as good as it should and he is still out of action indefinitely. Daga could only move 5 of the 10 points of his hand due to the depth of the wound and he has about 50% mobility in his fingers. Daga couldn’t move any of his fingers when he was injured so he considers this a minor victory but he is going to take the time he needs before making a return.


CMLL 3/19 – Arena Puebla
1. Lestat & Stigma beat Akron & Ares
2. Milenium/Pequeno Halcon/Ultimo Dragoncito defeated Pequeno Olimpico/Pequeno Violencia/Pequeno Warrior and Dragoncito challenged Olimpico to a shot at his CMLL Minis Title afterwards.
3. Hijo del Fantasma/Maximo/Sagrado beat Misterioso II/Namajague/Shigeo Okumura
4. Mexican National Welterweight Title: Polvora defeated Stuka Jr. to retain his title in the best match of the show.
5. Atlantis/La Mascara/La Sombra beat Olimpico/Psicosis/Volador Jr.

CMLL 3/20 – Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. Hijo del Javier Cruz beat Demonio Maya
2. Angel Azteca Jr. & Smaker defeated Malefico & Rafaga
3. Demus 3:16/Pequeno Violencia/Pierrothito beat Astral/El Divino/Ultimo Dragoncito
4. Diamante & Sangre Azteca defeated Misterioso II & Rey Escorpion
5. La Triada del Terror (Averno/Ephesto/Mephisto) beat Atlantis/Marco Corleone/Mascara Dorada when Mephisto ripped off Dorada’s mask and pinned him.

Independent 3/20 – Arena Aficion de Pachuca
1. Milenium beat Dr. Boris
2. Silencioso defeated Aguila
3. Aaron Alexander & Stell Rock beat Corsario Negro & Super Colt
4. Bestia 666 & Big Boy defeated Alex DeAngelo & Lost Soul
5. La Familia de Tijuana (Damian 666/Halloween/X-Fly) beat Cerebro Negro/Henry/Zumbi after Zumbi turned on his teammates.