Extreme Reunion sent out the following:

3/19 @ Philly International Airport immediately following The Franchise Shane Douglas uninvited appearance at WWE Raw at the Wells Fargo Center. Occupy Extreme. Shane Douglas is furious that the state of pro wrestling is as it once was flat and deflated like the mid-nineties –and he’s had enough!

Shane Douglas came to Philly on 3/19 on a return trip from Detroit, MI. While in town he visited a few places and people, but mainly to attended WWE Raw (may we added “uninvited”), in a black and silver lucha mask, and revealed his shirt and face to the audience, then turned his back on Vince McMahon’s wrestling product and proceeded to walk out of the Wells Fargo Center. The hardcore fans that were there, broke out in some ECW chants, and soon after building security took Douglas into custody, and detained him.

After being discharged from Wells Fargo security, Shane filmed this video before jumping back on his plane.