Following a motorcycle crash earlier this year that left former WWE superstar, Shane Helms, better known as The Hurricane, with a broken leg, ankle, jaw, and nose during the accident, as well as sustaining other fractures and receiving over 200 stitches, the former WWE Cruiserweight Champion, noted that his medical expenses are mounting, in a recent interview with Scott Fishman of The Miami Herald.

Helms noted that it’s hard for him or any professional wrestler to get medical and all his attempts since the time he left the WWE have been a dead end. Helms commented on his good close friend Mick Foley and said that Mick knew that he was going to have to front all of the medical expenses off his own back, reaching into the hundred thousand dollars range and said that while he made a lot of money in the wrestling business, no one wants to lose over one hundred thousand dollars in this economy, which is why Mick Foley ran the comedy show. Helms noted that he wasn’t sure about it, as people have their own things that they are dealing with and that this was his problem and he would deal with it himself, but he knew that Mick wanted to get this out there.

Helms noted that he is now coordinating with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol to get their involvement and that there was a state trooper at the scene of his motorcycle crash who knew who he was and noted to Helms that he never saw someone with that much facial trauma who lived and that his helmet strap cut undernarth his chin and cut close to his throat, almost killing him, noting that he almost bled out from there. Helms stated that he wants to use the state troopers quotes to show that it can happen to anybody and nobody knows what tomorrow brings.

The full interview is available at this link.