The following are the results of the July 22nd edition of WWE RAW, live from the Frank Erwin Center in Austin, TX.

In Ring Segment
RAW opens with new GM Brad Maddox in the ring, preparing us for the contract signing between WWE Champion John Cena and his challenger Daniel Bryan, set for SummerSlam in less than 4 weeks. Maddox questions why Cena chose Bryan last week, as Maddox doesn’t feel he is a qualified challenger, and thinks he is too small. Cena becomes serious and defends Bryan; he lists guys like Shawn Michaels, Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio who were all former champions. Maddox continues to be disrespectful towards Bryan, interrupting him and not allowing him to talk. Maddox ends the segment by telling Bryan he will have his chance to prove himself tonight in his matches, as he will compete in multiple matches tonight.

Singles Match
Alberto Del Rio defeated Sheamus by pin fall.

After the break, Renee Young is in the back interviewing Booker T and Teddy Long who are both upset over the announcement of Vickie Guererro as the new SmackDown GM by Vince McMahon.  They also are at odds with each other.

Singles Match
Christian defeated Titus O’Neill (w/Darren Young) by pin fall.

After the match, Josh Matthews interviews Ryback in the back. Ryback says he is an intimidator, and that only the big and strong survive. He enjoys bullying people like Josh Matthews around.

In Ring Segment
After the break, Mark Henry cuts a promo in the ring. He says he is proud to be a Texan, but he’s not proud of what happened to him last week at the hands of The Shield. Henry then calls out The Shield, as he is standing in the middle of the ring. The Shield’s music hits, and all 3 members come to the ring and surround it. The Shield attack, 3-on-1 style, until The Uso’s came out to even up the odds. They cleared the ring, and The Shield have to regroup and leave.

Backstage Segment
Daniel Bryan is preparing for his matches tonight, when John Cena walks in. Bryan tells Cena not to interfere in his matches tonight, and that he wants to prove to himself that he belongs out there at SummerSlam challenging for the WWE Title.

Singles Match
Dolph Ziggler defeated Darren Young by pin fall. After the match, Big E. Langston (w/AJ) attacks Ziggler from behind, but Ziggler is able to out quick Langston and escapes the ring.

In Ring Segment
The Miz hosts Miz TV with the cast of Total Divas, which premieres this Sunday on the E! channel. Miz invites Jerry Lawler into the ring to give him a hand. Lawler introduces himself to the new Diva Eva Marie, but she says she doesn’t like the way he is looking at her. She tells the crowd that she is here to make a name for herself, and then slaps Lawler in the face!

Backstage Segment
Brad Maddox is in the back, when Triple H walks in. He questions his decision making with Daniel Bryan, and thinks that someone else has been in Maddox’s ear (Possibly Vince?). As soon as Triple H exits, Stephanie walks in and tells Maddox she knows he’s in a tough position.  The power struggle between The McMahons’ continues.

A video recap of The Wyatt Family’s actions over the last 2 weeks is shown.

Singles Match
Cody Rhodes defeated Fandango (w/Summer Rae) by pin fall, while Damien Sandow was on commentary.

In Ring Segment
CM Punk is out to respond to Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar’s attack on him last week. CM Punk says, “I am not afraid of Brock Lesnar. I am not afraid of Paul Heyman’s monster!” Punk goes on to say that at SummerSlam it’ll be “The Best vs The Beast.” Punk is then interrupted by Paul Heyman on the titantron, who is via satellite. Heyman tells Punk that the beast is the best, and they accept his challenge for SummerSlam.

Singles Match
RVD defeated Wade Barrett by pin fall.

Gauntlet Match
Match #1–Daniel Bryan defeated Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter & Antonio Cesaro) by submission.

Match #2–Daniel Bryan defeated Antono Cesaro (w/Zeb Colter & Jack Swagger) by pin fall. A lengthy match (roughly 20 minutes) that had the crowd chanting “this is awesome” a number of times; a great wrestling match.

Match #3–Daniel Bryan defeated Ryback by disqualification. Ryback slammed Bryan through a table set up on the outside. When Ryback was going to continue his attack, John Cena came out for the save. Cena challenges Ryback to a Tables Match next week on RAW, which Ryback accepts.

After the match, Vince McMahon enters Brad Maddox’s office. He tells Maddox that he wants to see Bryan’s vicious side come out next week. Maddox looks puzzled, but Vince tells him that Bryan should face his best friend. Maddox makes a match for Daniel Bryan to face Kane next week on RAW.

RAW ends with Daniel Bryan getting helped up by Cena, and Bryan enters the ring, to the ovation of the crowd. Standing in the middle of the ring, the crowd chants Yes! Yes! Yes!