In a recent interview with WWOS in Australia, WWE NXT superstar Dakota Kai discussed the WWE rejecting signing her back in 2014.
“You can’t fake passion for something like that and when you have the passion, it isn’t hard to pursue a goal like that. I did my try out for the WWE in 2014, I wasn’t successful initially, they said, we don’t have anything for you now, but keep doing what you’re doing and stay in touch because we might have something for you in the future.
There was a window there for a time where it wasn’t that I was unsuccessful and needed to stop, but I had been doing this for nine years, I should probably venture into something else and take a little bit more of the focus off wrestling, but I never really stopped, I kept wrestling, which was a good thing. I’m lucky I didn’t stop.”
The interview is available in full at this link.