CMLL announced today that they would not be promoting a show during the annual Lucha Fan Expo next month in Mexico City as it is conflicting with their schedule but they would be sending talent to the event to sign autographs and the like. In the past the Expo has paid for the bigger promotions to put on shows but this year they decided not to do that so CMLL made their move although AAA is still doing a TV taping there. This came on the heels of a big press conference where the promotions that would be holding shows at the Expo were all there and some news came out of the event in that Zumbi has decided to rejoin Perros del Mal and the Perros tried their best to distance themselves from La Familia de Tijuana.

CMLL also announced on yesterday that IWGP Heavyweight Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi would be making his return to Mexico on 8/22 and would be staying in the country for about 3 weeks.

The Arena Coliseo shows in Guadalajara will have a new start time as they are moving their shows up from 6:30 PM EST to 12:30 PM EST to avoid conflict with the Chivas futbol matches coming up.


CMLL 7/22 – Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. Azteca de Oro & Meteoro beat Acertijo & El Tapatio
2. Infierno & Rafaga defeated Halcon de Plata & Hijo del Javier Cruz
3. Esfinge & Leo beat Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno by DQ when Acertijo attacked the tecnicos. Smaker made the save and I smell an apuestas match.
4. Angel de Oro/El Gallo/Titan defeated Espectrum/Malefico/Niebla Roja by DQ due to excessive violence by the rudos.
5. Diamante Azul beat Averno with a German Suplex (big win there)

CMLL 7/22 – Arena Coliseo ( streamed the whole show this week)
1. Nino de Acero & Pequeno Halcon beat Mercurio & Universito Dos Mil by DQ when Mercurio ripped off Halcon’s mask.
2. Bengala/Leono/Tigre Blanco defeated Bobby Zavala/Disturbio/Inquisidor
3. Nosferatu/Raziel/Virus beat Molotov/Sensei/Starman
4. Lightning Match: Estrellita defeated Princesa Sugei
5. Diamante/Hijo del Fantasma/Triton beat Ephesto/Shigeo Okumura/Sangre Azteca
6. Marco Corleone/Rush/Shocker defeated La Fuerza TRT (Damian el Terrible/Rey Bucanero/Tiger) with Rush going over Terrible and accepted Terrible’s hair match challenge from two days before.

CMLL 7/23 – Arena Puebla
1. Espiritu Maligno & Fuerza Chicana beat Akron & Sauron
2. Dalis la Caribena/Lluvia/Luna Magica defeated Lady Afrodita/Mima Shimoda/Tiffany
3. Lightning Match: Bobby Zavala beat Stigma
4. Namajague/Nosferatu/Shigeo Okumura defeated Pegasso/Rey Cometa/Starman
5. Delta/Guerrero Maya Jr./Sagrado beat Black Warrior/Misterioso II/Tiger
6. Atlantis/Mascara Dorada/La Sombra defeated Euforia/Ultimo Guerrero/Volador Jr.

CMLL 7/24 – Arena Mexico
1. Camorra & Misterioso II (subbing for Ramstein) beat Camaleon & Soberano
2. Pequeno Olimpico/Pequeno Violencia/Pequeno Warrior defeated Aereo/Mini Fantasy/Ultimo Dragoncito
3. Delta/Guerrero Maya Jr./Rey Cometa beat Namajague/Shigeo Okumura/Puma King
4. Lightning Match: Marcela defeated Tiffany by DQ when she accidentally hit the referee. The brawling continued after the match.
5. Ephesto/Mephisto/Niebla Roja beat Blue Panther/Stuka Jr./Valiente
6. Mexican National Lt. Heavyweight Title: La Mascara defeated Rey Escorpion to retain his title.

Independent 7/21 – Arena Neza
1. Guerrero Mixteco/Skayde/Turbo beat Black Thunder/Carta Brava Jr./Daisuke Hanaoka
2. The Mummy/Sexy Lady/Mini Histeria defeated Charly Madrid/Taya Valkyrie/Dinastia
3. The Psycho Circus (Monster Clown/Murder Clown/Psycho Clown) beat Argenis/Fenix/Silver King Jr. by DQ when Chessman & Silver Kain interfered.
4. Drago/Electroshock/La Parka Jr. defeated Chessman/Pete Powers/Silver Kain when SK fouled and pinned Parka.

IWRG 7/22 – Arena Naucalpan
1. Bull Power & Galactico beat Alas de Acero & Serpiente de Oro
2. Centrvion & Galaxy defeated Aleman & Eita
3. El Comando Elite (Factor/Rayan/Spartan) beat Chicano/Dr. Cerebro/Niko and after the match AK-47 came out and made a challenge for the Mexican State Trios Titles.
4. Dr. Wagner III/Relampago/Trauma II/Veneno defeated Bestia 666/Hijo del Pirata Morgan/Pete Powers/Scorpio Jr. by DQ when Wagner ripped off Pirata’s mask after he was fouled.
5. IWRG Intercontinental Heavyweight Title: Cien Caras Jr. beat Pirata Morgan to retain his title.